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Gottmer - Het Neus, Tenen en Buik boek - Keekabuu
Gottmer - Het Neus, Tenen en Buik boek - Keekabuu

    Gottmer - The nose, toes and belly book


    'The nose, toe and abdominal book' is an interactive and spectacular picture book that invites you to read, after and play. Parents often have their own unique games, songs and jokes to familiarize children in their own body: blowing belly, wobbling with cloves, biting in fingers. This exuberant book full of diverse and inclusive families is an ode to this close bond and personal interactions between young children and their parents or guardians. And it may also bring them to new ideas!

    'The nose, toe and abdominal book' is a cheerful, playful book to read, full of sounds and language games. The modern illustrations sculpt families in all compositions and the colors splash from the pages!


    • Language: Dutch

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